Heavy Oil Conditions
The new Crusher is a strong asymmetric ball that the Ebonite line has been missing, and it is not afraid of oil. The Crusher has a low RG, high differential, and a strong intermediate differential, which translates into a strong roll, lots of flare, and great continuation. The core, along with Optimize Hybrid cover and a dull 2000-grit Siaair finish, makes the Crusher an excellent choice to combat heavy oil conditions.
The Fireball is another incredible Ebonite ball that will fit any bowler’s budget. This season’s Fireball Purple/Gold boasts a stronger version of HK22 with GB 11.2 Pearl additives that will provide great length and more change of direction at the breakpoint. You won’t want to encounter medium to dry lane conditions without a Fireball Purple/Gold in your bag.
The Ebonite Game Breaker series is one of the most trusted lines in bowling and now provides more value and performance. Game Breakers continue to dominate the mid-performance category, and the new GB4 Hybrid might be the most exciting release in this line yet. Adding the HK22 base to a hybrid Game Breaker means versatility and strikes – lots of them. This exciting addition of a base coverstock that is changing the game to the already proven and famous Enhanced V2 core will make this one of the most anticipated Ebonite releases in quite some time.
The dictionary defines a Game Breaker as a bowling ball that always performs and is one of the best values in bowling. The new Game Breaker 5 does not disappoint and will remind bowlers of the Game Breaker 4, but with more continuation. The new GB5 has the same storied core that has carried the popularity of the series and is paired with GB 12.7 Solid. The Game Breaker series has been missing the stronger cover intended for more traction and hook in oil, and that is precisely what you get with the new GB5!
Ebonite is at it one more time!
Ebonite’s Game Breaker and One lines produce exceptional results, and we’re excited to introduce The One Reverb this season. The One Reverb is the first One ball to feature HK22 with the Cohesion additive and is polished to ensure it reads the backend harder than any other ball in The One series. HK22, Cohesion, and the GB additives combined with arguably the most successful asymmetric core shape in Ebonite’s history will make this the most angular ball in The One series yet.
The Radioactive Vibe was the boldest-looking Vibe ever produced, and it rolls incredibly. We are kicking the boldness and performance of the line up a notch with the new Arctic Vibe. This Vibe will stand out for its bright white and purple mix, and its screaming backend. Hammer has not produced many two-color Vibes or hybrid options; the Arctic Vibe was strategically developed to enhance the line and not replace the two previously released Vibes since they are still going strong. HK22 – CT Reactive Max is undoubtedly too much cover for this price point, it causes the Arctic Vibe to outperform anything in its category, and that’s ok because Hammerheads will
love it!
Further down the lane!
The Black Widow has become the most recognizable and trusted line in bowling. We are excited to announce the Black Widow 2.0 Hybrid, featuring our innovative HK22 base resin with the Aggression Hybrid additive package. HK22 and the famous Gas Mask core create a reaction further down the lane than the Ghost and with a considerably sharper breakpoint. The Black Widow 2.0 Hybrid has gone through more testing than any Black Widow in recent history; ensuring this ball is remarkable is the only way to release a ball with the name Black Widow on it. The Black Widow 2.0 Hybrid is not a replacement for the Black Widow line; it’s the best complement and addition we could create.
We did it again!
Improving an already incredible line isn’t easy, but we managed to do it again with the new Black Widow 3.0. Each Widow release in recent years has been more popular than the previous and has taken ball reaction to new levels, and the Black Widow 3.0 will not be an exception. The Black Widow 3.0 is an incredible complement to the Widow 2.0 Hybrid; it has surface and tractions more in oil, making it a great ball to pull out of your bag first. The new Black Widow 3.0 is a solid reactive, much like the Black Widow 2.0, but the cover has been upgraded with a solid version of HK22 and has the same out-of-the-box surface as the Black Widow 2.0. HK22 gives the new Black Widow an advantage on medium to oily lanes, and Hammer fans will be excited when they see that it’s the traditional black and orange Hammer colors.
Further down the lane!
The Black Widow has become the most recognizable and trusted line in bowling. We are excited to announce the Black Widow 2.0 Hybrid, featuring our innovative HK22 base resin with the Aggression Hybrid additive package. HK22 and the famous Gas Mask core create a reaction further down the lane than the Ghost and with a considerably sharper breakpoint. The Black Widow 2.0 Hybrid has gone through more testing than any Black Widow in recent history; ensuring this ball is remarkable is the only way to release a ball with the name Black Widow on it. The Black Widow 2.0 Hybrid is not a replacement for the Black Widow line; it’s the best complement and addition we could create.